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Experience the ultimate luxury Family Massage, Reflexology & Beauty Bar experience at De WAVE, with a unique combination of a traditional massage combined with modern facilities and treatments.
For more than a decade, De WAVE Family Massage, Salon, & Reflexology has been the go-to for relaxation and rejuvenation. Experience our unique healing properties at De WAVE.
Syarat dan Ketentuan berlaku:
Laki-laki Usia Max 35 Tahun / Perempuan Usia Maks 40 Tahun
Semua Jenjang Pendidikan dan Jurusan
Bersedia Mengikuti Pelatihan (Gratis) di Yogyakarta
Boleh Berhijab
Tidak Boleh Beratato
Penempatan: Seluruh Cabang De WAVE
Kirimkan Berkas Lamaran Anda ke:
Subject: Terapis - Nama Lengkap - Kota Asal - No. Handphone

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